The influence of the opponent's quality on team offensive efficacy in youth football: an observational study with sequential analysis

an observational study with sequential analysis (un estudio observacional con análisis secuencial)


  • Matheus de Oliveira Jaime State University of Maringá, UEM, Department of Physical Education, Maringá, PR, Brazil
  • Leandro Rechenchosky State University of Maringá, UEM, Department of Physical Education, Maringá, PR, Brazil
  • Vanessa Menezes Menegassi State University of Maringá, UEM, Department of Physical Education, Maringá, PR, Brazil
  • Paulo Henrique Borges State University of Maringá, UEM, Department of Physical Education, Maringá, PR, Brazil
  • João Cláudio Braga Pereira Machado Federal University of Amazonas, UFAM, Faculty of Physical Education and Physiotherapy, Manaus, AM, Brazil
  • Wilson Rinaldi State University of Maringá, UEM, Department of Physical Education, Maringá, PR, Brazil



Youth Sports. Offensive patterns. Game analysis. Sequential analysis. Opponent's quality


The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the opponent’s quality on teams’ offensive efficacy of a Brazilian youth football team. The sample comprised 1.304 offensive sequences, from a U-17 team of the Paraná championship. The offensive sequences were divided according to the opponent’s quality (“high quality”, “intermediate quality” and “low quality”). Team’s offensive patterns were analysed through Lag Sequential Analysis. Thus, SoccerEye and SDIS-GSEQ software’s were used (p≤.05; z≥1.96). Offensive patterns with efficacy occurred mainly from directly ball recoveries (lag -5: z=3.13; lag -3: z=2.93), with progression through ball conduction (lag -4: z=2.85; lag -3: z=2.40; lag -2: z=2.64) and dribble (lag -5: 2.62; lag -2: z=2.51; lag -1: z=2.13; 1.97), playing between the lines against the opponent's last defenders’ line (lag -1: z=3.42; 2.72; 2.05; lag 0: z=4.65; 5.06; 3.15; 3.02) or performing rupture unmarks for the empty space between the goalkeeper and the last defensive line (lag -4: z=3.11; lag -1: z=3.48; lag 0: z=4.13; 7.80). Pressed numerical equality in game centre at defensive zones stimulated the possession loss (lag -2: z= 2.06; lag -1: z=3.01; lag 0: z=3.41; 1.96), demonstrating the importance of the numerical and spatial relationship for the effectiveness of actions. The opponent’s quality generated some oscillations in the patterns, nonetheless, in most patterns this team maintained similar behaviours. Considering this youth team, it is suggested that players be encouraged, regardless of the opponent's quality, to advance quickly from the defensive field; dominates the spaces between the lines; perform dribble, ball conduction and rupture unmarks towards the space between the goalkeeper and the opponent's last defensive line; in addition to pressing the opponent into their own field.


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Como Citar

Jaime, M. de O., Rechenchosky, L., Menegassi, V. M., Borges, P. H., Machado, J. C. B. P., & Rinaldi, W. (2022). The influence of the opponent’s quality on team offensive efficacy in youth football: an observational study with sequential analysis: an observational study with sequential analysis (un estudio observacional con análisis secuencial). Retos, 44, 53–63.



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