Rythmic gymnastics in Chile. The first males


  • Alda Reyno Universidad de Playa Ancha - Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educacion
  • Nicolás Meirone Matus




Rhythmic Gymnastics, males, Chile


Rhythmic Gymnastics is a sport that has historically been considered "feminine". However, since 2016 in Chile, men have joined the sport competitively and recreationally. The aim of this research is analyse the insertion of the first men in this sport in Chile. For this purpose, the historical context of Rhythmic Gymnastics in Chile is described, the channels of competition are explained and the experiences of the male gymnasts are described. All this with the purpose of recording this important milestone in the history of Rhythmic Gymnastics in Chile. This research is based on a collective case study, using biographical-narrative approach and semi-structured interviews. The information is analysed in three main dimensions: barriers - facilitators, beginnings and motivation. It is concluded that the interviewed gymnasts have had difficulties to enter a club, but they had good experiences once they managed to get in. There is evidence of a gender bias on the part of their peers and family members. Finally, these gymnasts yearn for a more active participation of men in the discipline, although they recognise that there is still a lot of work to be done to achieve this due to the social context that the country is currently experiencing.

Keywords: Rhythmic Gymnastics, males, Chile.


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How to Cite

Reyno, A., & Meirone Matus, N. . (2024). Rythmic gymnastics in Chile. The first males. Retos, 51, 285–293. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v51.99898



Original Research Article