Influencing and inhibiting factors in the development of numerical superiority offensive actions 7x6 in Handball


  • João Branco
  • António Manuel Azevedo Instituto Politécnico de Viseu - Escola Superior de Educação
  • Paulo Eira Instituto Politécnico de Viseu - Escola Superior de Educação
  • Rafael Ribeiro



Athletes; Handball; Game; Organization; Strategy.


Introduction: Handball’s evolution has promoted its complexification, so coaches try to mitigate the effects that the diversity of variables can cause in obtaining the success of their teams. Thus, the creation of a strategic plan for each game goes beyond the theoretical and ideological fields of the coach. Objectives: To assess the perception of coaches regarding influencing and inhibitors factors for the development of actions in numerical superiority (7x6). Methods: A semi-structured interview script was designed with predefined categories. Results: The use of actions in numerical superiority 7x6 is due to the difficulties felt in creating finishing situations in numeric equality (6x6), the need to lower the game’s pace and reduce contact between defenders and athletes of the first offensive line and the need to counter deep defensive systems with individual marking. The interviewees restrict or inhibit the use of 7x6 actions due to the insufficiency of their training volume and frequency and when the result is balanced or against fast teams exploring the various forms of offensive transition. Conclusion: Given the competition game’s uncertainty there is no specific formula to try to solve the details that the game unravels. Respondents choose decision-making as a key element for success in each game. The way the coach analyzes the behavior of his team and that of the opposing team exerts a huge influence on the decisions made by the athletes in the game.

Keywords: Coaches; Handball; Game’s numerical superiority actions; Organization; Strategy.


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How to Cite

Branco, J. ., Azevedo, A. M., Eira, P. ., & Ribeiro, R. (2023). Influencing and inhibiting factors in the development of numerical superiority offensive actions 7x6 in Handball: . Retos, 50, 395–402.



Original Research Article