Barriers and motivations perceived by chileans schoolchildren in relation to physical activity and healthy eating. A qualitative study


  • Silvia Castro Udla
  • Silvia Ines Ochoa Araya Universidad de las americas
  • Enzo Patricio Daniel Amoretti arévalo Instituto Profesional IACC



motivation, barriers, physical activity, healthy nutrition


Introduction: healthy eating habits and physical activity have been shown to be beneficial for physical and psychological health in adolescents. Objective: to describe the perceived barriers and the aspects that motivate adolescents from educational establishments on healthy eating and regular physical activity. Method: qualitative research of explanatory phenomenological design. The information was obtained through 4 focus groups with adolescents of both sexes (32 participants) in the city of Santiago. Results: perceived barriers and motivations regarding healthy eating and physical activity were detected in all groups of adolescents, providing a total of 96 units of analysis. Conclusion: different barriers and motivations perceived by adolescents regarding healthy eating and physical activity were identified, the ones that stand out are time, family, friends, social and multicultural components.

Keywords: motivation, barriers, physical activity, healthy eating.

Author Biographies

Silvia Ines Ochoa Araya , Universidad de las americas

Profesora de Educación Física Universidad de Chile

Magister en Salud y Bienestar Humando, UMCE, Chile

Académica de planta, Universidad de las Américas, Chile

Enzo Patricio Daniel Amoretti arévalo , Instituto Profesional IACC

Profesor de Educación Física, Universidad Católica Silva Henríquez, Chile

Magister en Ciencias de la actividad física, mención rehabilitación y entrenamiento deportivo, UST, Chile.

Académico Instituto Online IACC, Chile. 


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How to Cite

Castro, S., Ochoa Araya, S. I., & Amoretti arévalo, E. P. D. (2023). Barriers and motivations perceived by chileans schoolchildren in relation to physical activity and healthy eating. A qualitative study. Retos, 50, 1079–1084.



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