Violence intervention: how to train future protection delegates in sport




challenge-based learning, childhood, LOPIVI, children, child protection, safeguarding


Among the various changes brought about by the Organic Law for the Comprehensive Protection of Children and Adolescents against Violence 8/2021 in the field of sports with minors highlights the creation of the figure of the protection delegate. Among other functions, these delegates are responsible for ensuring compliance with the protocols of action against violence in sports clubs. This paper presents a proposal for the use of the challenge-based learning methodology for the training of future protection delegates in the field of intervention against violence against minors in sports. It is a proposal designed with the aim of (i) recognizing systems of intervention in situations of violence, (ii) identifying channels of action in these situations and (iii) learning to analyze the impact of the organizational model of sports clubs and the roles of their members in working with children and adolescents. This proposal highlights the importance of training in this area accompanied by methodologies that encourage a critical and reflective attitude, as well as experimentation with the environment.

Keywords: challenge-based learning, childhood, LOPIVI, children, child protection, safeguarding


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How to Cite

Boillos Pereira, M. M., & Idoiaga Mondragon, N. (2023). Violence intervention: how to train future protection delegates in sport. Retos, 50, 546–555.



Didactic experiences developed and investigated with empirical work