Adaptation in children's swimming in shallow and deep pools - a systematic review
Swimming. Learning. Depth. Fear. Enviroment.Abstract
The teaching of swimming is relevant for the health and safety of children, but its practice still has many controversies regarding the depth of the pool, a factor that exposes the swimmer to postural and emotional changes. In this way, the objective of the article was to investigate, through a systematic review, the relationship between the depth of the pools and the learning of children's swimming. The research was carried out in scientific articles, theses and dissertations published in the Lilacs, Scielo and Pubmed databases following the PRISMA guidelines. 2057 records were found, and according to the eligibility criteria, 11 publications were chosen. Eight of the eleven selected studies were classified as excellent in the Downs and Black Quality Assessment. The results were classified into two categories: emotional aspects (n=6) and pedagogical aspects (n=7), through the content analysis of Bardin (2011). Studies point out that fear and the environment directly interfere in the adaptation of children's swimming, that the body position is modified at different depths and indicate a pedagogical progression, from the shallowest pool to the deepest, according to the student's aquatic evolution. Thus, we understand that the depth of the pools is a relevant variable regarding the teaching of children's swimming. We suggest that this factor be carefully evaluated, for a humanized and respectful approach, including new studies regarding the aquatic environment during the adaptation phase.
Keywords: Swimming, Learning, Depth, Fear, Environment.
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