Recreational activities for psychomotor development in early childhood children
Recreational activities, perceptual motor development, sensory development, anatomical development, childhood.Abstract
This study shows the importance of implementing play activities for psychomotor development during early childhood. The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of the program of play activities for the perceptual-motor development in 4 and 5 year old children of the San Juan Bautista Puno-Peru Early Childhood Educational Institution. This research adopted a quantitative, experimental approach, with a pre-experimental design. A program of play activities was implemented for 10 months, basically the program developed three dimensions: sensory, motor and anatomical development. To evaluate the level of psychomotor development, the Jack Capon test was used before and after the implementation of the program, then the Wilcoxon rank statistical test was used to evaluate the influence. The results show that the program significantly influenced the development of psychomotor skills (Z = - 8.947; p<0.001), improved psychomotor skills such as: body schema (Z=- 8.174; p<0.001), balance (Z=- 8.174; p<0.001) and motor skills (Z=- 8.174; p<0.001). 001) balance (Z=- 8,411; p<0.001); jumping and falling (Z=- 9,065; p<0.001); obstacle course (Z=- 9,921; p<0.001); ball reception (Z=- 8,852; p<0.001) and jumping with one foot (Z=- 8,237; p<0.001). Playful activity in childhood is associated with improvements in physiological health and mainly in the development of motor skills that are important for preventing the onset of cardiovascular disease later in life.
Keywords: Play activities, perceptual-motor development, sensory development, anatomical development, childhood.
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