Self-reported physical activity, screen time and their association with sleep quality and quality of life in Physical Education Pedagogy students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study




Physical activity, screen time, sleep quality, quality of life, university students, physical education, COVID-19


The aim of the study was to study the association between self-reported physical activity levels and screen exposure time with sleep quality and quality of life of Physical Education Pedagogy students during a period of a hybrid modality of classes associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. A cross-sectional study with a quantitative approach was developed. Between August and November 2021, an online form was applied to 88 undergraduate physical education students, from Santiago, Chile. They were asked about screen time, level of physical activity and sedentary behavior (IPAQ); sleep quality (PSQI), and quality of life (WHOQoL-BREF). Statistical analysis of the data was performed using SPSS version 26. 72.7% of the participants reported high levels of physical activity. Likewise, a median of 620 min/day of screen time during the workweek, 350 min/day in the evening/night hours of the workweek, and 540 min/day during the weekend were recorded. No statistically significant correlations were observed between physical activity and the variables of quality of life and quality of sleep. There was a statistically significant correlation between workweek screen time and PSQI (r = -0.246). Likewise, daily workweek screen time during the evening/night presented a statistically significant correlation with PSQI score, and the domains of "physical health" and "social relations" from the quality of life. In a hybrid period of classes, only screen time, particularly in the evening/evening hours, was associated with lower sleep quality and alteration in certain quality of life domains in Physical Education students.

Keywords: Physical activity, screen time, sleep quality, quality of life, university students, physical education, COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Corvalán-Luengo, M. ., Díaz-Vásquez, P., Uribe-Uribe, N., & Russell-Guzmán, J. (2023). Self-reported physical activity, screen time and their association with sleep quality and quality of life in Physical Education Pedagogy students during the COVID-19 pandemic: A cross-sectional study. Retos, 50, 321–331.



Original Research Article