Online teaching experiences in Physical Education and their contribution to students’ integral education: General Competence Development
Experiencia educativa, educación online; satisfacción de los estudiantes; educación física, competencias genéricas (, Educational experience, online education, student satisfaction, physical education, generic skills)Abstract
This article allows us to understand the contribution of physical education as a general education subject in university students during the Covid 19 Pandemic in engineering, construction and architecture courses through virtual classes as a result of the digital learning process taking part in universities due to pandemic restrictions. The research follows a transversal non experimental model and proposes the use of a model which measures students perceptions considering the following competences: kinesthesis intelligence, recreation, team work, ethics and healthy lifestyle. Secondly, in order to validate this model, the impact of each dimension was estimated according to the students’ answers obtained applying a structural equation modeling with partial least squares (PLS – SEM technique) and an importance performance map analysis (IPMA), resulting in proposed models’ construct complying with the internal consistency criteria and convergent validation, therefore, the instrument is valid. The analysis considered 497 students and their answers in first year engineering and architecture courses in different campuses at UTFSM whose results showed that students acknowledge that this online physical education subject contributed to the achievement of general and cross curricular competences established in the subjects’ syllabus claiming that the course promoted a state of wellbeing, built teamwork, enhanced communication, fostered respect among other benefits.
Keywords: Teaching practices, online teaching, students’ satisfaction, physical education, general competences, cross curricular competence.
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