A serious game for the development of body expressive skills and knowledge of sustainable development goals
Board games, serious games, Physical education, Corporal expression, Sustainable Development GoalsAbstract
We present the results of an educational intervention developed in the university environment that highlights the potential benefits of board games in the classroom and their impact on learning within the context of active methodologies. This serious game was created with a dual purpose: on the one hand, as a resource for improving expressive skills and competences in Physical Education and, on the other, as a tool for social transformation that invites us to deepen our knowledge of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), working transversally on these global goals set by the United Nations (UN) in the so-called Agenda 2030. The board game Dixit Mutatio, created from an internationally awarded commercial game, has been adapted through the inspirational use of photography, responses based on image theatre and collective creation dynamics. The usefulness of this didactic resource and its implementation in the university context is demonstrated on the basis of evaluations shared in a questionnaire by the students and direct observation carried out by the teaching staff during the experience.
Key Words: Board games; serious games; Physical education; Corporal expression; Sustainable Development Goals.
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