Effects of physical activity on health-related quality of life in elderly people with diabetes mellitus. Sys-tematic literature review and meta-analysis


  • Rocío del Pilar Castellanos-Vega Universidad de Boyacá
  • Elisa Andrea Cobo-Mejía Universidad de Boyacá




Diabetes Mellitus, Motor Activity, Quality of Life, Aged, Exercise


Introduction, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), highly prevalent in elderly people, affects physical and social function; the PICO question is: what are the effects of physical activity on health-related quality of life in elderly people with DM; Materials and Methods, systematic review and meta-analysis, search in Pubmed, Cochrane, Ovid, Science Direct, after exclusion due to age and not containing outcome, 4 articles were included. Methodological quality was evaluated with PEDro, and bias with RevMan and RobotReview. Statistical analysis according to clinical and statistical heterogeneity with I2; Results, it was identified that MR and quality of life are heterogeneous while functional and physical performance are homogeneous. All show improvement, but it is not statistically significant. Conclusions, the non-statistically significant differences may be the result of the inclusion of physical activity in the usual care added to other strategies such as education and nutrition.

Key words: Diabetes Mellitus, Motor Activity, Quality of Life, Aged, Exercise.


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How to Cite

Castellanos-Vega, R. del P. ., & Cobo-Mejía, E. A. (2023). Effects of physical activity on health-related quality of life in elderly people with diabetes mellitus. Sys-tematic literature review and meta-analysis. Retos, 47, 859–865. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v47.96068



Original Research Article