Profile of university student with an inadequately active lifestyle




Physical activity, Decision trees, Recommended levels, Factors Predictors


The study analyzed the association and hierarchical relationship of a set of individual traits in university students with compliance with the level of physical activity (PA) recommended by the World Health Organization. Approximately one in four subjects in the sample (n=100; mean age=22.4±3.1 years), were found to be insufficiently active, an event associated with gender, fat mass (FM) and body size. type of studies (p< .05). Sex, MG and working outside the home proved to be, in order of greater to lesser relevance, predictors of the active behavior studied (p< .05). Thus, the subjects at greatest risk of non-compliance with the recommended PA level were women with a normal or lower than normal %FM and who do not work outside the home. It is recommended to continue investigating this issue and implement PA promotion policies adapted to the most vulnerable population profiles.

Keywords: physical activity, decision trees, recommendations, factors, predictors.


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How to Cite

Moral Moreno, L. (2023). Profile of university student with an inadequately active lifestyle . Retos, 48, 610–618.



Original Research Article