Ethnography of pugilistic learning in an amateur sports club in Temuco (Chile)




ethnography, boxing, body, sport, amateurism


The objective of the article is to characterize and describe the sports logics that involve pugilism in young people who actively participate in the boxing branch of a sports club in the city of Temuco, Chile. For this, ethnography is contemplated as a research method that allows capturing social interactions within the framework of observing the body and visual language of the athletes involved. Among the findings, behaviors are observed that allow sport to be extolled as an activity that promotes self-improvement, the reconfiguration of bodies according to movements that are carried out against the current of human nature, fatigue and pain as sensations that are certainly censored in the framework training, the role of the coach as a fundamental agent in the cognitive process and the difficulties/advantages involved in practicing a sport where the body is a tool of attack and defense.

Keywords: ethnography, boxing, body, sport, amateurism.

Author Biography

Hernán Riquelme Brevis , Universidad Autónoma de Chile

Sociólogo. Máster en Dinámicas de Cambio en las Sociedades Modernas Avanzadas. Doctor en Ciencias Sociales. Docente Investigador en la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Autónoma de Chile. Investigador adscrito al Instituto Iberoamericano de Desarrollo Sostenible . Investigador Responsable Fondecyt Postdoctorado 3200682


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How to Cite

Riquelme Brevis, H. (2023). Ethnography of pugilistic learning in an amateur sports club in Temuco (Chile). Retos, 47, 317–325.



Original Research Article