The teaching of football and invasion sports in a co-educational Physical Education in Secondary Education. Systematic review




Physical Education, Gender, Football, Soccer, Secondary


One of the curricular objectives in ESO is to educate in equality. However, in Physical Education, unequal power relations are generated in terms of gender due to the exaltation of hegemonic masculinity. The aim of this study was to carry out a systematic literature review on football and its inclusion in coeducational a Physical Education in ESO. For this purpose, we opted for an analysis based on Text Mining, supported by the MANOVA Biplot, obtaining a final result of 60 articles. An evolution of the subject matter in the different time periods, grouped into three blocks, was verified. The first deals with the origin of gender inequalities in physical activity, the second with intervention proposals and the third with intervention proposals with a psychological analysis. It is concluded that there is a problem when it comes to including this type of sport in the classroom, which may be related to its masculinised nature. This requires a change in teachers' interventions towards cooperative and reflective methodologies from a more co-educational logic. It is worth highlighting the predominant role of teachers in Spain, with numerous contributions and intervention proposals that place our country in a prominent position.

Key words: Physical Education; Gender; Football; Soccer; Secondary


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How to Cite

Martin-Labrador, M., Caballero-Julia, D., & Cuellar-Moreno, M. (2024). The teaching of football and invasion sports in a co-educational Physical Education in Secondary Education. Systematic review. Retos, 51, 1161–1167.



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