Competitions between physiotherapists and physical-sports educators regarding physical and therapeutic exercise: a narrative review


  • Ismael García Campanario Universidad de Cádiz
  • Carolina Lagares Franco
  • Hector Robles Zorrilla



Physical-therapeutic exercise is a recent tool born from the fusion of physical exercise and rehabilitation. Due to his young age, he does not have a defined level of structure, causing conflicts between physiotherapists and physical-sports educators. The objective of this review is to analyze the available bibliography to search for agreed criteria. A search was carried out in the PubMed, using a strategy based on the combination of terms related to physical exercise, therapeutic exercise and their use as a treatment for various pathologies. A total of 60 programs were analyzed, of which only 4 specified therapeutic exercise compared to physical exercise. Therefore, we conclude that a legal instability in Spain in terms of professional competencies does exist, being the university academic training load insufficient to meet the needs of general population.


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How to Cite

García Campanario, I., Franco, C. L., & Zorrilla, H. R. (2022). Competitions between physiotherapists and physical-sports educators regarding physical and therapeutic exercise: a narrative review. Retos, 46, 227–235.



Theoretical systematic reviews and/or meta-analysis

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