Factors that determine the achievement of performance in elite football: Qualitative orientation with professional players
competition, sport, interviews, performance factors, qualitative researchAbstract
The aim of this study was identify the most determining factors in professional football that make possible an improvement in team performance at the end of the season. Structured interviews were conducted with 28 professional soccer players (15 men and 13 women), aged 27-41 years (M = 33.07, SD = 3.32). All of them had professional experience in the first and second Spanish leagues. The thematic analysis of the data was completed deductively and inductively. The results showed the existing complexity within a soccer club, with notable importance on team cohesion and the figure of the coach and coaching staff for collective improvement in both genders. Regarding gender, female players provided more importance to the technical staff, whereas male players increased their value for having technical and tactical skilled teammates within the squad. The relevance of these findings lies in the knowledge of factors and interactions that enhance and limit performance perceived by players in professional football and the differences between genders. This knowledge could help improve the management of a sports group and the training planning, to enhance the teams' performance.
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