Morphofunctional characteristics by position in U-15 female soccer players from Bogota


  • Boryi Alexander Becerra Patiño Docente Universidad Pedagógica Nacional
  • Juan Carlos Sarria Lozano IDRD
  • John Felipe Prada Clavijo Universidad Pedagógica Nacional



Population Characteristics, soccer, athletes, physical exertion, Muscle Strength.


The processes of characterization of women's soccer are necessary in different age groups to know what are the requirements according to each playing position in order to favor the development of women's soccer. The objective of the present study was to determine the morpho-functional differences of women's soccer players in Bogota according to their playing position. The study included 81 players with an average age of 15.58±0.85 years, a height of 159.4±5.36 cm and a body mass of 54.55±6.82 kg, grouped in six positions: goalkeeper (P, n:8), central defense (DC, n:13), lateral defense (DL, n:14), central midfielder (VC, n:18), lateral midfielder (VL, n:11) and forward (DEL, n:17) based on the analysis of morpho-functional variables (somatotype, endurance, speed and strength). The study has a quantitative approach, non-experimental and descriptive design, with non-probabilistic sampling. The statistical treatment was performed using R statistical software version 4.1.0. The results indicate that, among the different positions there are significant differences between variables related to weight (p=0.03), fat-free mass (p=0. 01), net force (FN) in right leg 100ms [N] (p=0.04), FN right leg 150ms [N] (p=0.03), FN right leg 200ms [N] (p=0.03), average repeated sprint ability (RSA) (p=0.00) and fatigue percentage (p=0.00). These results showed that, among the different positions, significant differences are found, which may be due to the demands and requirements of the competition in response to position specificity.

Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Sarria Lozano , IDRD

Degree in Physical Education, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional.

Specialist in Biomethodology of Sports Training, Universidad UDCA

Teacher, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Director, Bogota Women's National Teams

John Felipe Prada Clavijo , Universidad Pedagógica Nacional

Bachelor's Degree in Sports, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional


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How to Cite

Becerra Patiño, B. A., Sarria Lozano, J. C., & Prada Clavijo, J. F. (2022). Morphofunctional characteristics by position in U-15 female soccer players from Bogota. Retos, 45, 381–389.



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