Effectiveness of Gradior software and cognitive stimulation in people with alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer, Terapia, Estimulación Cognitiva, Programa Gradior (Alzheimer, Therapy, Cognitive Stimulation, Gradior Program)Abstract
The main objective of this research is to analyse the relationship between the Gradior software and the improvement or maintenance of the cognitive level in elder people with Alzheimer's disease. Using a quasi-experimental methodology, a group of 8 subjects using the Gradior programme as cognitive stimulation therapy and a control group (8 subjects) with traditional cognitive stimulation without support software were analysed. The sample comes from an Elderly Care Home and a Diurnal Stay Unit, with subjects in the different stages of the disease, excluding those subjects with a level of impairment that could impede communication and execution of scales. A self-made sociodemographic questionnaire (reliability r= .863) and the Minimental State Examination (MMSE) scale, administered in two moments (pre-test and post-test) were used. Through a Spearman-type correlational analysis (statistical significance of p < .001), the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test, and independent samples t-test (confirmation of alternative hypothesis H1, with a significance value of p= .001 in both measures), it can be affirmed that there is a relationship between the improvement of cognitive impairment and the use of the Gradior software. These conclusions are an enriching element for the different professionals who have intervened through cognitive stimulation with those subjects with Alzheimer's disease.
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