Spatial thinking skills mediated by communication processes in preschool children




Language, communication, mathematics, spatial thinking, didactic engineering


Several studies have shown the relationship between math skills and language skills. The main objective of this investigation is to identify preschool children’s spatial thinking skills, achieved through communication processes and also to identify the information transmission and reception skills acquired by children in relation to the development of spatial skills. The whole process of this research is based on the Didactic Engineering methodology, through which four didactic situations (DSs) were designed. The design is non-experimental with an established group. The sample consists of 73 preschool boys and girls aged between five and six years. The results show that once the ability to send and receive messages is acquired, students developed mathematical thinking about their location in space according to a coordinate system, as well as the ability to give instructions in which distance, direction, and orientation relationships appear.

Keywords: language, communication, mathematics, spatial thinking, didactic engineering

Author Biographies

Victor Santiuste Bermejo , Complutense University of Madrid

Víctor Santiuste Bermejo Catedrático e investigador del área de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España. Correo electrónico: htttps: //

Vicente Bermejo Fernandez

Profesor de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid desde 1980 y actualmente profesor emérito. Ha impartido numerosas Conferencias y Seminarios sobre enseñanza y aprendizaje de matemáticas.


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How to Cite

Casadiego, A. M., Santiuste Bermejo, V., & Bermejo Fernandez, V. (2023). Spatial thinking skills mediated by communication processes in preschool children. Retos, 48, 74–85.



Didactic experiences developed and investigated with empirical work

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