Governance and legitimacy in Colombian sports federations


  • José Ramos Acosta Educación
  • Ana María Arias Castaño
  • Julie Hortencia Gómez Solano
  • Néstor Ordoñez Saavedra
  • Ruby Lorena Carrillo Barbosa



Governance, legitimacy, sports federations, Play the Game


This article was prepared based on the research carried out by the University of Applied and Environmental Sciences and the Colombian Olympic Committee, in which the state of governance and legitimacy of Colombian sports federations is determined. The results show the existence of weaknesses related to gender imbalance, as well as solidarity with athletes and lower-ranking institutions; the study established the need to structure the creation of a good governance observatory. The sample was taken from 8 federations out of a total of 19, in which their participation aims at the recognition of indirect actions that would present elements of transparency, democracy, separation of powers and democracy, through punctual elements such as their web page, statutes, government plans, among others; these to be shown as the basis of governance and legitimacy. The research focused on evaluating the national sports federations, based on a study carried out by the international organization Play the Game that evaluated the state of governance and the legitimacy of the international sports federations, which are part of the Olympic program.


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How to Cite

Ramos Acosta, J., Arias Castaño, A. M., Gómez Solano, J. H., Ordoñez Saavedra, N., & Carrillo Barbosa, R. L. (2022). Governance and legitimacy in Colombian sports federations. Retos, 45, 851–859.



Original Research Article