Internal structure of the motor coordination of foot movements in attack of basketball


  • Noel Mejia Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
  • Bergelino Zaldívar Pérez



motor coordination, coordination skills, foot movements in attack.


In team sports, basketball is composed of open skills aimed at modifying the execution of the technique according to the environmental conditions. Motor coordination is decisive for the control of technical gestures; specifically, for basketball, attacking foot movements require high control from the central nervous system. Any specific motor coordination teaching strategy in attacking foot movements requires knowledge of the internal structure. The objective of the present study is to characterize the internal structure of the motor coordination involved in the movements of the feet in basketball attack. Under the qualitative approach and the phenomenological paradigm; The theoretical methods of analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction were applied together to the content analysis and the triangulation of theories related to motor coordination, coordinative capacities and antecedent studies. As results they showed that basketball; specifically, in the movements of the feet in attack, all the coordinative capacities are essential. However, visual-motor coordination plays a decisive role in sports initiation and performance, and dissociated coordination is the one that is most manifested in coordinative actions; especially those that involve alternate and simultaneous movements between upper and lower extremities, as well as coordination between foot, hand and eye, as observed in the movements of the feet in attack.


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How to Cite

Mejia, N., & Zaldívar Pérez, B. (2021). Internal structure of the motor coordination of foot movements in attack of basketball. Retos, 42, 813–820.



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