Methodological proposal to implement cooperative learning in physical education classes based on motor action domains
Cooperative learning, values, motor praxiology, sociometric testAbstract
Although there are different proposals in Spain to apply cooperative learning in physical education, they are focused on specific physical-sport activities or on very specific cooperative structures. In our country, there is a lack of comprehensive proposals aimed at facilitating the implementation of this pedagogical model in an extensive way, including all the motor action domains imposed by the education regulations. This article provides a model to apply cooperative learning in the area of physical education within the educational stages of primary and secondary school including all existing approaches up to now. The program is structured in four phases: 1) trust – group cohesion, 2) familiarization 3) consolidation and 4) performance, which embraces the five motor action domains that are established for the P.E. and the variables to take into account in the design of the activity: timing, number of lessons and activities, rules, group dynamics, roles, practice spaces, cooperative learning principles, teamwork skills, cooperative structures and techniques.
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