From "The Legion Against Drugs" to "All with the Homeland": Evolution of the 101 km in 24 h of Ronda

Evolución de los 101 km en 24 h de Ronda (Evolution of the 101 km in 24 h of Ronda)


  • Angel Acuna Delgado



sport, ultra marathon, identity, representation, ideology


Started in 1995, the 101 km in 24 h of Ronda have established as one of the most emblematic and unique ultra-marathons in Spain. In this work we focus our attention on the stories issued around the race, asking about the motives, values ​​and sensations expressed by participants, public and organizers, in order to understand the keys to their success and the philosophy that surrounds it. Based on the data produced through ethnographic field work, the practical experience in this race and documentary information, we reflect on the implications and consequences of two important emblematic messages used as slogan of the event, which mark different historical moments: from <<The Legion (army) against drugs>> of yesterday to <<Everyone with the Homeland>> of today. According to the results obtained, it becomes understandable how such an event, through the symbolic apparatus that surrounds it, and the economic, social and political interests that it generates, goes beyond the strictly sports sphere to become a powerful vehicle of individual and collective identity which it feeds a peculiar ideological imaginary.


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How to Cite

Acuna Delgado, A. (2021). From &quot;The Legion Against Drugs&quot; to &quot;All with the Homeland&quot;: Evolution of the 101 km in 24 h of Ronda: Evolución de los 101 km en 24 h de Ronda (Evolution of the 101 km in 24 h of Ronda). Retos, 41, 447–458.



Original Research Article