Resilience and optimism in rhythmic gymnastics


  • Elena Serrano-Nortes
  • Magdalena Gómez Díaz
  • Cristina Reche García Profesor adjunto dotor de la Universidad Católica de Murcia



psychology, resilience, optimism, rhythmic gymnastics, sport


Studies on resilience and optimism in the sports field are scarce. The objective of this work is to know the prevalence of both constructs in rhythmic gymnastics; and analysis of differences depending on their age category, years of sports practice and experience in competition. 29 gymnasts were evaluated (age from 13 to 20; M = 15.3; DT = 1.83). The Resilience Scale adapted to Spanish was used, and the Revised Life Orientation Scale (LOT-R) to optimism. The results indicate that 24.8% of the participants present high resilience. As for optimism, 20.7% show high levels compared to 62.1% who show low levels. There are no differences in resilience and optimism according to the variables analyzed (category, years of sports practice and experience in competition). It is suggested to address the levels of optimism in athletes to improve their well-being and sports performance.

Author Biography

Cristina Reche García, Profesor adjunto dotor de la Universidad Católica de Murcia

Doctora en psicología por la Universidad de Granada.


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How to Cite

Serrano-Nortes, E., Díaz, M. G., & Reche García, C. (2021). Resilience and optimism in rhythmic gymnastics. Retos, 41, 581–588.



Original Research Article