Drop jump effect over the enhancement post-activation in high performance colombia athletes


  • Carlos Andrés Wheeler-Botero
  • Carlos Alberto Ramos-Parraci
  • Felipe Augusto Reyes Oyola Universidad del Tolima




post- activation potentiation, drop jump, acceleration, athletes, athletics


Abstract. The objective of the present investigation was to study the effects of post- activation potentiation (PPA) on the Colombian sprinter’s accelaration, in such a way that we can propose different training methods, with the purpose of enhancing the performance in the athletes. Nine athletes from the national sprinters Colombian team participated (4 men: age= 16,9+.3; body weight 63,0+6,6 kg; height 171,5+6,6 cm; and, 5 women: age 17,1+.4 years old, body weight 63,0+6,7 kg, height 174,2+8,5cm). Protocol Bosco was applied (Abalakov drop jump and multi-jumps in 15 s) with the purpose of determining the enhancer stimulus and the 30 m test with static start pre and post enhancer stimulus. To evaluate the effect of the enhancer stimulus in the results of the test Abalakov and the 30 m acceleration test, the T student test was done for samples related with a significance of p<.05. The normality in the variable’s behavior was proven through the Shapiro Wilk test, applied to samples smaller than 30 individuals. Every single athlete showed signs of improvement after the enhancer stimulus was applied both in the Abalakov test and the 30 m acceleration test; presenting significant differences in the average of the sprinters results in the Abalakov test (p=.000) and the 30 m acceleration test (p= .002) before and after the enhancer stimulus.


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How to Cite

Wheeler-Botero, C. A., Ramos-Parraci, C. A., & Reyes Oyola, F. A. (2021). Drop jump effect over the enhancement post-activation in high performance colombia athletes. Retos, 39, 691–696. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i39.81926



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