Non-linear pedagogy in handball. One and two lines zone defence in small-sided games
Sport pedagogy, Small-sided games, Constraints, Polar coordinate analysis, Youth handballAbstract
Abstract. Non-linear pedagogy presents important differences regarding the teaching approaches traditionally used in handball. The absence of research that addresses the teaching-learning process in handball from nonlinear pedagogy motivated the present work. The objective was to analyse the influence of certain task constraints: zonal defense of one line (LI1) and zonal defense of two lines with advanced defender (LI2), in the behaviour patterns, offensive and defensive ones, performed by handball players. These constraints, representative of the most used defensive handball systems, were applied in 16 small-sided games, during the eight sessions in which the study was developed. A nomothetic/punctual/monitoring observational design was used to register the behaviours performed by 14 players (M = 14.6 years and SD = 0.4), members of a team that competes in the male cadet category, who were divided into two groups for the matches. The analysis of polar coordinates allowed to know the influence exerted by both constraints at a general level, analyzing jointly the behaviors of both teams and, also, specifically for each team. Thus, significant relationships of mutual activation were found between: (1) LI1 and odd fixation, penetration throw, distance throw, block, opponent change, assist and counter block; and (2) between LI2 and uncheck, slip and intercept. Knowing the influence exerted by the task constraints (behaviors that facilitate and inhibit) is key in the application of non-linear pedagogy, in this way those that help to achieve the proposed objectives can be selected.
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