A predictive model of sports practice behavior among the Millennial generation


  • Alazne Mujika-Alberdi Universidad de Deusto
  • Juan José Gibaja-Martins Universidad de Deusto
  • Iñaki García-Arrizabalaga Universidad de Deusto




Predictive model, attitude, physical activity, behavior, sports practice, Millennials


Summary. This research aims to design a model for predicting the behavior of sports practice for the Millennial generation. After psychometric contrast, the study is based on the scale of attitude towards physical activity and sport. In addition, the research deepens in the measurement of the attitude towards physical activity and sport, and explores the existence of differences regarding gender and level of practice. A non-random sample of 1141 Millennial generation individuals selected with gender and age quotas was surveyed. The study goes forward with respect to the existing literature, suggesting a bi-dimensionality of the used scale. It also provides a predictive model for Millennial generation, based on the application of the logistic regression technique, with a high success rate to classify sport practicing and non-practicing individual. This glance at Millennials lays its value in the need of predicting future behaviors rather than comparing with other generations. In this sense, the development of attitudes that promote healthy habits, which are also beneficial both to individuals and the community as a whole is essential. Additionally, results show some novelty concerning particularities of Millennials: their attitude towards physical exercise and sports practice is better among women than men.

Author Biographies

Alazne Mujika-Alberdi, Universidad de Deusto

Profesora Titular por la Universidad de Deusto


Juan José Gibaja-Martins, Universidad de Deusto

Profesor Titular por la Universidad de Deusto

Iñaki García-Arrizabalaga, Universidad de Deusto

Profesor Titular por la Universidad de Deusto


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How to Cite

Mujika-Alberdi, A., Gibaja-Martins, J. J., & García-Arrizabalaga, I. (2021). A predictive model of sports practice behavior among the Millennial generation. Retos, 39, 129–136. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v0i39.77903



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