PhysEd5: design and validation of a warm-up protocol for Physical Education lessons in primary education
Warm up, Physical Education, Primary Education, Sedentary LifestyleAbstract
Introduction: the article addresses the problem of sedentary lifestyles in children and its impact on public health, highlighting the need for school-based interventions to improve students' physical activity.
Objective: to design and validate a warm-up protocol, PhysEd5, for grades 3-6 of Primary Education, with mobility, strength and proprioception exercises to prepare students and improve their physical condition.
Methodology: the validation of the PhysEd5 protocol was carried out using Lawshe's Content Validity Index (CVI). Five steps were followed: identification of benefits, selection of exercises, assessment by a panel of experts, calculation of the CVI and redesign of the protocol according to the results. The panel included 25 experts: physical education teachers, sports science doctors, sports instructors and pediatricians.
Results: The protocol was evaluated by the experts, who considered most of the proposed exercises essential. The CVI obtained was 0.92, indicating a high consensus on the validity of the protocol. The selected exercises include joint mobility, proprioception, abdominal strength, self-loaded strength and plyometrics, all designed to improve fitness and prevent injury.
Conclusions: The PhysEd5 protocol is a valid and effective tool to be implemented in Primary School Physical Education classes, contributing to the improvement of health and physical performance of schoolchildren. Its application is recommended to promote healthy habits from an early age. The circle arrangement during the exercises facilitates the observation and correction of postures, improving the effectiveness of the warm-up.
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