Leadership and psychological capital in enhancing the performance of child-friendly schools for chil-dren’s physical activities
leadership, psychological capital, child-friendly school, physical activitiesAbstract
Leadership styles and psychological capital play crucial roles in enhancing school performance. Integrating student leadership opportunities and physical activities into child-friendly school programs may improve overall school performance through various psychological factors. The research aims to know the effect of leadership and psychological capital on enhancing the performance of child-friendly schools for children’s physical activities. This research is descriptive quantitative, with the number of participants being 175 teachers selected using the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques use survey methods, while data collection instruments use questionnaires developed from several previous studies that are considered to have been tested for validity. Data analysis uses SEM-PLS technique with the SmartPLS 4 analysis tool to test the predictive relationship between each construct. The results showed that transformational leadership significantly influences the performance of Child-Friendly Schools, with a p-value of 0.006 <0.05. Psychological capital significantly influences performance with a p-value of 0.039<0.05. Student leadership does not moderate the relationship between psychological capital on performance with a value of 0.199>0.05, transformational leadership on performance with a value of 0.385>0.05, and workplace spirituality on performance with a value of 0.848>0.05. The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of the factors that influence the performance of Child-Friendly Schools, as well as practical implications for leadership development, human resource management, and educational staff development programs within Child-Friendly Schools.
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