Physical education and traineras: systematic review




trainera, traditional rowing, fixed bench rowing, systematic review, physical education


Traineras competitions began in the mid-19th century and has evolved into a federated sport with a significant number of licenses. There are no literature reviews that cover all the literature on this sport, so it is important to know if there are publications that help teachers spread it among their students. The objective of this paper is to carry out a scoping review to show what has been studied so far about traineras competitions, with special emphasis on educational production. Scopus, Web of Science, SPORTDiscus, Google Scholar, Dialnet Plus and BNE were searched. Two reviewers independently applied inclusion and exclusion criteria, selecting works exclusively on traineras, finally obtaining 84 studies. The data were stored in Wikidata, which facilitated the presentation and analysis of the results. The results show an increase in the number of publications, with several authors, mostly men, writing in several languages, especially in recent years, and with a strong presence of universities from the Basque Country. There are only four educational works on how to teach this sport in the classroom, the most recent being from 2011. It is recommended to develop more educational studies on rowing in traineras, especially in Galicia, Asturias and Cantabria, which have fewer publications than the Basque Country.


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How to Cite

Obregón Sierra, A., & Hermo Argibay, A. (2025). Physical education and traineras: systematic review. Retos, 62, 409–419.



Theoretical systematic reviews and/or meta-analysis