Perceptions of university professors on the initial training of physical education teachers from an inclusive perspective in Mozambique




initial training, inclusion, teachers, perception, mozambique


The purpose of this study was to analyse the perceptions of teachers from three public Physical Education (PE) faculties in Mozambique, in order to understand their pedagogical practices from an inclusive perspective. In this context, a semi-structured interview was conducted with three university PE teachers who work in inclusive areas. After content analysis, the statements were grouped into three categories: a) Initial teacher training; b) Perception of the curriculum and inclusive subjects in initial training; c) Appreciation of barriers. The results of the research point to a positive view of initial training in Inclusive Physical Education (IPE), however some challenges were pointed out such as: lack of training programs for teachers and future teachers; insufficient specific content linked to inclusion within the training curricula and little work on the practical component throughout training. These results lead us to recommend proposals for long-term continuing education and curricular restructuring in PE courses through proposals and additions to initial training programs.

Keywords: Initial training, inclusion, teachers, perception, Mozambique



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How to Cite

Picardo, L., João Campos, M., & Pedro Ferreira, J. (2024). Perceptions of university professors on the initial training of physical education teachers from an inclusive perspective in Mozambique. Retos, 60, 119–128.



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