Definition of the components of the game in volleyball from a systemic approach




Systems theory, game logic, complexity, team sports, terminology


The aim of this paper has been to interpret, through the terminology shared in the academic and sporting world of volleyball, the extent to which mechanistic interpretations of the game underlie or are being advanced in the light of complexity and open systems theories. An attempt is made to justify the breakdown of signifiers and the scope of their meanings in a given space of the game and its empirical crystallization. Accordingly, the game concepts discussed in the paper are: match, set, rotation, point, serve possession, play, typical game sequences, game action, specific motor skill, pass, game principles, collective tactical means, tactical device, orientation, attack system, group tactical means, individual technical tactical means, player function or role.

Keywords: Systems Theory, game logic, complexity, team sports, terminology.


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How to Cite

Ureña Espa, A., & Moreno Arroyo, M. P. (2024). Definition of the components of the game in volleyball from a systemic approach. Retos, 57, 570–580.



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