Reference values for interpreting the assessment of motor competence through the MOBAK 5-6 test


  • Jaime Carcamo-Oyarzun CIAM Physical Literacy Research Centre, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile
  • Luis Henriquez-Alvear CIAM Centro de Investigación en Alfabetización Motriz, Universidad de la Frontera
  • Nicolas Martinez-Lopez CIAM Centro de Investigación en Alfabetización Motriz, Universidad de la Frontera
  • Cristina Rivera-Gutierrez CIAM Centro de Investigación en Alfabetización Motriz, Universidad de la Frontera
  • Sonia Salvo-Garrido Departamento de Matematicas y Estadistica, Universidad de La Frontera
  • Paulina Candia-Cabrera CIAM Centro de Investigación en Alfabetización Motriz, Universidad de la Frontera
  • Rodrigo Vargas-Vitoria Universidad Católica del Maule



fundamental motor skills, motor development, physical education, physical literacy, scale


This study aimed to establish reference values to categorize the levels of motor competence of students between 10 and 12 years of age, according to sex and age. A total of 1010 students (48.4% girls) in 5th and 6th grade of primary school from 16 schools in La Araucanía, Chile, participated in the study. The Spanish version of the MOBAK 5-6 test was used. To determine reference values, the procedure recommended in the original MOBAK Battery was used, ordering the score of each dimension by Percentile Rank and T-values. In the results of the object control dimension, sex differences were found in favor of boys (p<0.001; PSest=0.65) and age differences in favor of older students (p<0.001). In this dimension, 33.2% of boys and 51.5% of girls are in the theoretical range of needing motor reinforcement. In the dimension of self-movement, sex differences were found in favor of girls (p=0.043; PSest=0.46), while no significant differences were found according to age (p=0.323). In this dimension, 50.3% of girls and 56.6% of boys are in the theoretical range of needing motor reinforcement. Low levels of motor competence in schoolchildren are described, and it is necessary to create opportunities for their development. To this end, the reference values established in this study will be a very useful tool, as they will make it possible to know and monitor the level of motor competence of schoolchildren.

Keywords: fundamental motor skills, motor development, physical education, physical literacy, scale.


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How to Cite

Carcamo-Oyarzun, J., Henriquez-Alvear, L., Martinez-Lopez, N., Rivera-Gutierrez, C., Salvo-Garrido, S., Candia-Cabrera, P., & Vargas-Vitoria, R. (2024). Reference values for interpreting the assessment of motor competence through the MOBAK 5-6 test. Retos, 59, 119–129.



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