Multicomponent exercise package on psychoemotional variables, quality of life and functional capacity of Honduran with COVID persistent COVID: single randomized clinical trial
Anxiety, depression, Physical activity, Physical exercise, Persistent COVID-19Abstract
This study focused on determining the effects of an exercise program on quality of life, physical condition and psychoemotional variables in subjects with post-COVID-19 syndrome. N = 48 adults (from the city of Danlí, Honduras) without previous pathologies and with persistent symptoms of COVID-19 after 4 weeks of infection participated. They were divided into two groups: the intervention group, which completed a supervised multicomponent exercise program for 8 weeks, and the control group, which received recommendations for physical activity and healthy habits from the World Health Organization (WHO). The results of the study showed that the experimental group reported notable improvements in anxiety (from 30 to 70 points), sleep quality (from 8 to 20 points), and cognitive function (from 18 to 29). In addition, in the control group, increases in the Sit to Stand test were from 16.4 to 18 repetitions, and in walking from 600 to 700 meters. In contrast, the experimental group increased from 14.96 to 25 repetitions and from 620 to 800 meters, respectively. In conclusion, the findings highlight the positive impact of post-COVID-19 exercise on anxiety, sleep quality and cognitive function, underlining the importance of physical interventions in the comprehensive recovery of subjects with similar characteristics to the one in this study.
Key words: Anxiety, depression, Physical activity, Physical exercise, Persistent COVID-19
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