Traditional play and gender inclusión: a study on the perspective of teachers and students


  • Jesús Vicente Ruiz Omeñaca
  • Pablo Borges-Hernández
  • Ulises Castro-Núñez
  • Rómulo Díaz-Díaz
  • José Hernández-Moreno



Traditional play, Physical Education, Gender, Equity


The evolution of traditional play has been associated with the presence of differentiated playful cultures between boys and girls. With this base, from the investigation that is collected in this article, an attempt was made to know the experience lived by the students of the fifth year of primary school in practice, from gender equity, of traditional games, the possibilities and limitations of this were analyzed playful option from the point of view of Physical Education teachers and students and guidelines for educational action were defined in order to promote gender inclusion in the practice of traditional games. From a qualitative study based on interviews and discussion groups carried out with active teachers, teachers in training and students, it was concluded that students and teachers highlight the positive aspects of the practice, the generation of constructive social interactions, the inclusion and fun. These references occurred especially in traditional cooperative games. The possibilities of this ludic alternative for the enjoyment of the ludic, respect among equals and inclusion were highlighted. Among its limitations was the focus on inherited cultural barriers related to gender culture and androcentrism. Finally, with regard to the guidelines for educational action, the focus was placed on making the appropriate models visible from gender equity, generating spaces for reflection and taking into account the intersection between gender issues and those related to national origin, ethnic and cultural.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Omeñaca, J. V., Borges-Hernández, P., Castro-Núñez, U. ., Díaz-Díaz, R. ., & Hernández-Moreno, J. . (2025). Traditional play and gender inclusión: a study on the perspective of teachers and students. Retos, 62, 310–318.



Original Research Article