Design and validation of an Indoor Parkour Test (TIP). Impact of this content in secondary education students and their gender perspective
Test, Parkour, Gender, Physical education, Motor skills.Abstract
Parkour is a sporting discipline that, when introduced into the educational curriculum, offers an attractive and motivating tool to promote the development of motor coordination in students. This study proposed two objectives: 1. to design and validate an Indoor Parkour Test to be used in the Physical Education classroom and 2. to implement an intervention program of this sport and check its impact on a large group of students, following a pre-experimental design. A total of 146 students in the 1st year of ESO, aged between 12 and 14, agreed to participate. The results show: firstly, a stability in the Indoor Parkour Test, which shows that it is valid and reliable and, secondly, a significant improvement in the times invested between the pre-test and the post-test (p ≤ 0.05) after the intervention program, which shows that it was successful. By analysing the results obtained in relation to gender, and according to the ANOVA data, we discovered a similar evolution between girls and boys, although it is the latter who mark significantly better times in both tests. The data collected would confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument, which could be implemented in other educational centres that choose to introduce this type of skills in their educational programming, providing a tool to evaluate students’ progress. In addition, the intervention program based on the content of Parkour managed to improve the motor response of the students, both boys and girls, which shows the goodness of this content.
Keywords: Test, Parkour, Gender, Physical education, Motor skills.
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