Review of Anti-Violence or Values in Football Programmes


  • Antonio Aguilar Gómez Universidad Pablo de Olavide



programmes, antiviolence, values, football


Violence in football has been present since the early days of the sport. It has taken various forms, from violence on the playing field to social violence related to football. The thinking of “fair play” and the advancement of social sciences have allowed the development of specific educational programs through physical activity and sports in different contexts and based on different principles. Today, organizations such as football clubs and associations function as football micro ecosystems where different forms of violence can manifest. Preventive programs against violence represent an opportunity to address this problem effectively. The objective of this work is to analyze anti-violence programs in football through a systematic review that searches for key words such as "program", "prevention", "violence", "values" and "football", in two search lines: databases data (Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus) and search engines (Google Scholar and Eureka). Analysis of the resulting programs showed that most focused on primary prevention, while secondary and tertiary prevention programs were exceptions. In the latter, the participation of those responsible for violent actions in preventive programs depended on indirect intervention strategies and detection of violent incidents. It is important to highlight that none of the programs consider the organization as a factor that favors or conditions violence; however, there is evidence that the implementation of ethical codes can be effective if accompanied by structural adjustments in organizations.

Keyword: Programmes, Anti-violence, Values, Football, Football.


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How to Cite

Aguilar Gómez, A. (2024). Review of Anti-Violence or Values in Football Programmes. Retos, 56, 546–553.



Original Research Article