Association between mental resilience and pet ownership with sleep quality, sedentary behavior, and levels of physical activity in young university students
Physical activity, Sedentary behavior, Sleep quality, Mental strengthAbstract
The objective of this study was to identify the association between mental resilience and pet ownership with sleep quality, sedentary behavior, and levels of physical activity in young university students. The Mental Resilience Inventory, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and the International Physical Activity Questionnaire in its short version were utilized. The administered tests demonstrated adequate reliability levels. A total of 130 university students from the Economic and Administrative area participated, comprising 114 (87.7%) females, 15 (11.5%) males, and one individual (.8%) who preferred not to specify their assigned sex at birth, with an average age of 21.74 years. The obtained results reveal a statistically significant correlation between age and sleep quality (r=.221; p=.012), a negative correlation between mental resilience, sleep quality (r=-.207; p=.018), and sedentary behavior (r=-.283; p=.001). Additionally, it is demonstrated that high levels of physical activity correlate significantly negatively with sedentary behavior (r=-.191; p=.030) and positively with medium levels of physical activity (r=.430; p=.000). Furthermore, it is shown that individuals who own pets have poorer sleep quality (M=7.90, SD=3.50) compared to those who do not (M=6.50, SD=3.20). In conclusion, the correlations observed among the variables underscore the importance of implementing programs and strategies to promote physical activity, reduce sedentary behavior, as well as to enhance sleep hygiene and develop mental resilience as an individual characteristic among university students.
Keywords: Physical activity, sedentary behavior, sleep quality, mental strength, pets
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