20 years of scientific research by the journal Retos, new trends in Physical Education, Sports and Rec-reation: a bibliometric analysis





physical education, sport, physical activity, education, bibliology, scientific production, Spain


The aim of this study was to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the documents published in the journal Retos, new trends in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation, from 2002 to 2022. To this end, all issues published between the dates indicated were reviewed, collecting basic bibliographic information (year of publication, section to which it belongs, type of document, subject, language, data on authorship, affiliations, and country of origin) and registered through the Mendeley Reference Manager software. Subsequently, this information was entered into Microsoft© Excel software to perform statistical analyses based on descriptive analyses. In this bibliometric analysis, a total of 2107 published documents were analysed, mainly in Spanish (82.49%), with 7.50% of documents with single authorship compared to 92.50% of documents published in collaboration between authors and with an average of 3.57 authors per article. This analysis identified a predominance of documents published by men (n = 1474; 69.96%) compared to those published by women (n = 633; 30.04%). The authors' preference was to publish scientific articles on curricular elements of Physical Education (n = 435) and sport (n = 441). It is concluded that the impact that the journal Retos, new trends in Physical Education, Sports and Recreation has had over the last two decades as a reference journal in Spain in the field of physical activity, Physical Education and sport, has been significant. It has also become a reference journal in other countries, especially in South America, with a significant increase in the number of documents published with foreign authorship and affiliations.

Keywords: physical education; sport; physical activity; education; bibliology, scientific production; Spain; bibliology; Spain.


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How to Cite

Ramos-Álvarez, O., García-Romero, C., & Arufe-Giraldez, V. (2024). 20 years of scientific research by the journal Retos, new trends in Physical Education, Sports and Rec-reation: a bibliometric analysis. Retos, 54, 355–361. https://doi.org/10.47197/retos.v54.102798



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