Childhood obesity among elementary school students in Puno, Peru




Physical activity, healthy lifestyle habits, Internet hours, TV hours, Childhood obesity


The study demonstrates that healthy lifestyle habits encompass a range of practices, including eating habits, hygiene, personal care, self-regulation, interpersonal relationships, physical activity, and rest, that promote a healthier life. The aim of this study was to identify the factors that contribute to childhood obesity in school-age students in the Puno-Peru region. This research employed a quantitative, non-experimental approach with a correlational explanatory design. A total of 315 students between the ages of 9 and 13 participated in this study. Of these, 195 were female (61.9%) and 120 were male (38.1%). A multiple linear regression model was used to examine the association between childhood obesity and healthy lifestyle habits, physical activity, hours of internet use, and hours of TV. Pearson's correlation was used to evaluate the results. The standardized β coefficients reveal that good healthy lifestyle habits (β = -0.353; p<0.001) and physical activity (β = -0.362; p<0.001) had the greatest negative impact on childhood obesity (general model: R2 = 0.720; p < 0.001). In conclusion, maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is essential for controlling childhood obesity.

Keywords: Physical activity, healthy lifestyle habits, use of internet hours, use of TV hours, childhood obesity.


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How to Cite

Chui Betancur, H. N., Puño Canqui, L. G. ., Romero Yapuchura, Y. Y. ., Pérez Argollo, K. ., Chura Cahuana, S. Álvaro ., & Condori Castillo, W. W. . (2024). Childhood obesity among elementary school students in Puno, Peru. Retos, 54, 466–477.



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