Evaluation of the quality of mobile applications used in the development of muscle strength
Mobile applications, strength, sport, assessmentAbstract
The integration of technology into daily life has configured other forms of social relationships, breaking the daily routine of educational and sports processes. The objective of the study was to evaluate the objective, subjective quality, and perceived impact of a group of mobile applications used in the development of conditional physical capacity of muscle strength. The methodology was developed following the logic of the Delphi research method, which allowed identifying the opinions of a group of experts, based on their experience, training, critical analysis and reflection of a defined problem, using the instrument. User Rating of the Mobile Application Rating Scale -UMARS-. The results showed that for each group of experts there were mobile applications of particular interest even though they share a common field of knowledge. The evaluation process showed that the best valued application was lower body exercises, while the lowest rated on average was Crouching Squats Workout regarding its objective and subjective quality and perceived impact. In conclusion, these types of studies provide a general overview of the impact and quality of mobile applications, their relevance and significant contributions to the technological innovation processes that occur in the field of education and sports, and they also manage to consolidate new critical scenarios and research in the production and development of mobile applications.
Keywords: Mobile applications, muscle strength, sport, quality, impact, technological innovation.
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