Simulation-based learning in Exercise and Sports Sciences degree students: a pilot study
Professional training, Perceived satisfaction, Secure learning, Professional interview, Supervised training, Education InnovationAbstract
The development of competences and their subsequent assessment has led us to develop new methodologies for this purpose. Practices in simulated environments are proposed as didactic and educational innovation strategies to develop general and specific competences in students. The aim of this work was to analyse the perception of sport science students about the design of simulation scenarios. The sample consisted of 50 Sport Science students aged between 18 and 22 years (M = 19.1; SD = 1.15). The methodology consisted of developing two simulated experiences, one in the subject of Body Expression applying techniques such as the interview, and the other in the subject of Human Anatomy with the anatomical and movement analysis of a supervised training for health. The simulation showed a high degree of student satisfaction in both experiences, as well as a perception of a high degree of transferability to the professional environment. The proposal shows that simulation is a didactic strategy that favours applied academic and professional training, which facilitates students to assume roles like the reality of their future profession and, therefore, provides them with knowledge, attitudes, values and skills for an adequate future professional performance.
Keywords: Professional training, Perceived satisfaction, Secure learning, Professional interview, Supervised training, Education Innovation
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