Review of studies on governance variables in sports entities: classification of Brazil




Governance, Management, Transparency, Public Policy


The present study aimed to identify whether the governance variables currently chosen in Brazil are aligned or not with the governance variables adopted in other international sporting models. For this, a bibliographic survey was carried out using the PRISMA protocol as a basis. The search was carried out on the following platforms: SciELO, Scopus, Taylor and Francis, Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD). After the identification, review, eligibility and inclusion process, eighteen studies were selected, three global, one Philippine, four European, one Australian, one French, two from New Zealand, one South African, one Canadian/Scottish and five Brazilian. Through carrying out the study, it can be noted that there is no uniform format of universally applicable governance variables, with doctrinal classifications existing. It can be seen that internationally there is an intention to identify different governance principles and guidelines by different nations, which can be systematized into the principles of membership, regulatory structures, decision-making issues, leadership and strategic focus. When observing the Brazilian reality, there is a greater concern in establishing principles related to decision-making, such as accountability and transparency.

Keywords: Governance, Management, Transparency, Public Policy.


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How to Cite

Caetano, C. I., Ordonhes, M. T., López-Gil, J. F., & Cavichiolli, F. R. (2024). Review of studies on governance variables in sports entities: classification of Brazil. Retos, 52, 282–290.



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