Gender stereotypes in sport among the population of Gipuzkoa


  • Alazne Mujika Alberdi Universidad de Deusto - campus de San Sebastián Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
  • Iñaki García-Arrizabalaga Universidad de Deusto
  • Juan José Gibaja-Martíns Universidad de Deusto



Keywords: Olympic Games, stereotypes, gender, sport, women, gender parity


Historically, women have been excluded from sport in general and from some sporting disciplines in particular. Arguments such as their physical fragility, the negative effects on their health or the unsightly effect that sports practice could cause have been the reasons given for this. These issues have largely been overcome, but gender stereotypes persist. A survey carried out on a representative sample of the population of Gipuzkoa through the CATI system, with the aim of analysing gender stereotypes in sport and to ascertain opinions on equal participation in sport and the promotion of a single sporting classification, has once again shown this to be the case.. Of the 33 sports disciplines included in the Olympic Games, only two, Equestrian and Athletics: jumping, were perceived as neither male nor female. Institutional declarations, the enhancement of laws for the equal gender participation in sport, and the elimination of gender barriers in the practice of different sport disciplines are paving the way towards parity. However, prejudices and gender stereotypes persist. More than a century after the first modern Olympic Games, there is still a long way to go to overcome gender stereotypes in sport.

Key words. Keywords: Olympic Games, stereotypes, gender, sport, women, gender parity.


Author Biographies

Alazne Mujika Alberdi , Universidad de Deusto - campus de San Sebastián Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas

Profesora Titular en el Departamento Comunicación

Vicedecana de la Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas


Iñaki García-Arrizabalaga , Universidad de Deusto

Iñaki García Arrizabalaga is a lecturer in the Department of Management, Marketing Area,
at the University of Deusto. He teaches marketing subjects in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes (MEES and postgraduate programmes (MEES and PhD). He has been director of the doctoral programme "Economics and Business Management Management" (2006-2009) and member of the academic team of the UNESCO Chair at the University of Deusto (2007-2010). Accredited in 2008 as "Profesor Doctor de Universidad Privada" (Private University Doctorate Professor) by UNIQUAL, the Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation of the Basque University System. He is a researcher on the Communication team, recognised by the Basque Government with category A status. He has supervised 10 doctoral theses and 19 master's theses (EHEA). He has participated as a researcher in seven competitive projects and in as many concerted projects. He has published six books with ISBN and 26 book chapters in collective works with ISBN. In the last six-year period (2015-2020) he has published nine articles in Scopus indexed journals. He has one six-year research period (2013-2018) recognised by the CNEAI.

Juan José Gibaja-Martíns , Universidad de Deusto

Juan José Gibaja Martíns is full professor in the Department of Economics and Finance (Data Analysis departmental area) at the University of Deusto since 2011. He holds a PhD from the University of Deusto and a BSc and MSc in Mathematics from the UNED. He is a researcher in the Communication team, recognised by the Basque Government with category A and funding (113,000 euros in the last call for proposals in 2018) and was a senior researcher at Orkestra-Basque Institute of Competitiveness between 2006 and 2009. He has supervised ten doctoral theses. At undergraduate and graduate level, from 1997 to the present, he has been lecturer in charge of subjects in the area of marketing (market research, strategic marketing, market segment evaluation), in the area of quantitative methods (mathematical analysis, statistics, econometrics, discrete mathematics) at the University of Deusto. At postgraduate and third cycle (doctorate) level, he has been lecturer in charge of modules and seminars in the area of methodology, innovation, marketing and corporate social responsibility at the University of Deusto. At both undergraduate and postgraduate level, he has been director of undergraduate, graduate and master's degree final projects at the University of Deusto. Accredited by UNIQUAL in March 2009 as a private university doctoral lecturer and as an associate lecturer in the field of Social Sciences. Positive evaluation in a research section (2013-2018) by ANE.


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How to Cite

Mujika Alberdi, A., García-Arrizabalaga, I., & Gibaja-Martíns, J. J. (2024). Gender stereotypes in sport among the population of Gipuzkoa. Retos, 51, 1226–1233.



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