Pedagogical program based on sociomotor games for the development of executive functions in preschoolers






This research determined the incidence of a pedagogical program based on sociomotor games in the development of executive functions in preschool. For this purpose, a quasi-experimental design of pre and post test was used with an experimental group (n = 30) and a control group (n = 30) of boys and girls between 4 and 5 years old. To assess executive functions (EF), the BANPE Battery was used and a 16-week program was implemented in which socio-motor games, fundamental motor skills and cognitive skills were integrated. The results showed statistically significant changes in inhibition (p = .005), working memory (p = .04) and planning (p = .005). Finally, it was evidenced that the transversal pedagogical program supported on socio-motor games enhanced executive functioning, which has a direct relationship with better cognitive, socio-affective and learning processes.

Key words: Games, preschoolers, motor skills, executive functions.



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How to Cite

Bedoya Salazar, D. M., Mazuera Quiceno, C. A. ., & Arteaga, Ángela P. (2024). Pedagogical program based on sociomotor games for the development of executive functions in preschoolers. Retos, 54, 715–720.



Original Research Article