Women founders, the hidden memory of sociology


  • Cristina García-Sainz




Classical sociology, women founders of sociology, social theory, gender perspective, Chicago School


This article is prepared based on the book by Lengermann and Niebrugge, The Women Founders. Sociology and Social Theory, 1830-1930; a relevant text for sociology recently translated to Spanish. These pages carry out a dissemination that enables students and those interested to broaden their theoretical horizons and helps them to understand society from different angles than those adopted by the best-known sociologists. This paper makes up for absences, provides many of the missing pieces in classical sociology and confirms the partiality of academic training. As a result, this allows the development of critical positions towards certain theories from the “fathers” of sociology, such as those related to Durkheim’s social determinism, Marx’s social class or Max Weber’s value neutrality. 


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How to Cite

García-Sainz, C. (2021). Women founders, the hidden memory of sociology. Spanish Journal of Sociology, 30(2), a38. https://doi.org/10.22325/fes/res.2021.38