Questioning the role of technology in Early Childhood Education: divides and false views
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Digón Regueiro, P., Méndez García, R. M., Romero Rodrigo, M. M., & Becerra Brito, C. V. (2024). Questioning the role of technology in Early Childhood Education: divides and false views. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, (69), 63–96.


The use of digital resources in Early Childhood Education is a subject of discussion. The views held by teachers and families determine the role they give to these resources and the mediations they undertake at school and at home. These educational agents seem to show confused and often conflicting positions. This study, involving a mixed research methodology, analyses perceptions and practices with technology in school and family contexts in the educational stage of 3- to 6-year-olds. The results of the data analysis of questionnaires, focus groups and case studies point to the existence of some dominant views that reflect important contradictions and indicate the existence of digital divides. Such divides range from access to usage, and also point to what can be understood as a specific dichotomy when talking about technologies and Early Childhood Education.
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