The use of social networks by minors, in addition to being a widespread practice, is a factor that influences the construction of their personal and social identity. Youtubers and influencers are the new role models, influencing the thinking and behavior of pre-adolescents. This influence has an impact on their vocational choice and their life project.
That is why we questioned what are the variables that influence minors to want to be youtubers or influencers, as well as the idea they have about these new professions. To do so, we will use a quantitative approach, where a questionnaire has been applied to 343 Andalusian students of fifth and sixth grade of Primary Education.
The results show that the variable narcissism is directly related to the intention to be youtubers and/or influencers, but not to self-esteem. Sex has not been configured as a variable that influences this desire, but not the educational level.
In conclusion, we believe that it is essential to encourage critical thinking among minors that promotes action and personal transformation, as well as to work on the trait of narcissism.
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