Teaching digital competence, attitude and use of digital technologies by university professors
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tecnología de la información
competencia digital docente
actitud del docente
tecnología educacional University
information technology
teacher digital competence
teacher attitude
educational technology

How to Cite

Paz Saavedra, L. E., Gisbert Cervera, M., & Usart Rodríguez, M. (2022). Teaching digital competence, attitude and use of digital technologies by university professors: [Teaching digital competence, attitude and use of digital technologies by university professors]. Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 63, 93–130. https://doi.org/10.12795/pixelbit.91652


This article analyzes the possible correlation between three variables of interest regarding the integration of digital technologies in university education: teacher digital competence, the attitude of teachers towards the use of these technologies in education and the concrete actions they carry out for their use in educational activities. The research work was carried out at the University of Nariño, located in the city of Pasto (Colombia), and had a sample made up of 162 professors to whom two questionnaires were applied; the first, called COMDID-A, aimed at determining the level of CDD, and a second questionnaire focused on determining the attitude of teachers towards the use of technology in education, as well as the main practices for the use of these technologies in their classes. In general terms, the results show that there is a significant correlation between teachers' self-perception of their CDD, in relation to their attitude to these technologies and also to the frequency with which they use them in their educational activities. The discussion raises the novelty, relevance and relevance of this type of study for the integration of DT in university education.

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