For an Inclusive Maker Education. Literature review (2016- 2021).
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Métricas alternativas


movimiento maker
educación maker
revisión de la literatura maker movement
maker education
literature review

How to Cite

Gutiérrez-Esteban, P., & Jaramillo Sánchez, G. (2022). For an Inclusive Maker Education. Literature review (2016- 2021).: Por una Educación Maker Inclusiva. Revisión de la Literatura (2016-2021). Pi­xel-Bit. Media and Education Journal, 64, 201–234.


The maker movement has caused great interest in the educational field, resulting in the maker education.  The present work has carried out a review of the existing literature with the aim of make a study on how maker education contributes to social and educational inclusion of the most vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities. To this aim, a search was carried out in several database based on the combination of different descriptors and search filters. Finally, after being subjected to a screening and taking into consideration the established inclusion and exclusion criteria, a total of 11 articles were evaluated. The results show that maker education has been mainly developed, in the non-formal sphere, putting into practice rewarding activities, through the use of resources and maker spaces. In the same way, the findings point out that the maker movement with an educational purpose, enables capacity building of these people as well as the improvement in self-esteem and the self-perfection of themselves. Moreover, the specialized training in maker education of those responsible for putting them into practice facilitates the inclusion of these groups, giving them great academic and social benefits.
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